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The 3 Biggest Biotech Events in 2025

We expect the attendance for each to be well over 20,000 in 2025.

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Here’s our list of the biggest events that matter for biotech. We'll have in-depth coverage for all three, starting with the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference (JPM Week). Our inside guide will be available for free from December 1, 2024.

J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
When: Jan 13 - Jan 16 2025

(Middle) Jamie Dimon and Mike Gaito J.P. Morgan in 2023. Photos by J.P. Morgan.

There's no question about number 1. Leading the pack is the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, the most influential healthcare investment symposium globally.

First held in 1983, this is the critical event in the calendar for biotech companies. Speakers from this year included Albert Bourla (Pfizer), Tony Blair (UK prime minister, 1997-2007), and naturally Jamie Dimon (J.P. Morgan). Within the Westin St. Francis, the biggest companies present their last year's results and their next year's vision to stakeholders.

After the morning assembly, and away from the free apértifs, its the thousands of investment banking, venture capital and pharma business development professionals who fly in that do the heavy lifting. They're taking meetings all day, and they're there to do deals. They are the filter which takes a cut, or cuts you out of, the best commercialisation and investment opportunities. Getting as many appointments within this circle is the chief aim of most biotech CEOs who attend.

Officially, the conference is for J.P. Morgan clients, but unofficially, anyone deemed important enough within the industry gets an invitation. Because access to the conference is invite-only, the main event is exclusive: CEOs, big spenders, and kingmakers.

If you haven't received an invitation, it's worth asking. However, thanks to the infastructure which has grown around the conference these past 4 decades, many executives still attend to strike deals from the periphery at the meeting spaces put up in the blocks around Union Square. It's worth noting that industry associations often arrange extra meeting spaces for their members. There are a wealth of satellite events occuring in the city too. You can read your briefing on these here.

Finally, after a long day of meetings the social events are cause for joy and worthy of a late night or two. These include alumni events (e.g. Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Wharton, and the other usual suspects), regional association events (e.g. BIO, Biocom California, BioNJ, etc) and flag-waving functions (e.g. Korean life science, British biotech, etc). The latter are often been attended by diplomats and dignitaties of foreign governments for those eyeing international deals.

To receive Onyx's free guide to JPM Week and get our roadmap to everything that's happening, sign up below. Released on December 1 in conjuction with Vital Signs, our special report in Fortune Magazine. We'll be updating the guide every week in the run-up to the conference so that you can plan ahead.

BIO International Convention

Location: Boston, MA
When: June 16-19 2025

BIO is the biggest biotech industry association in the world, and this is their flagship event. This is a trade-style convention where buyers and sellers can match up. It's more about B2B deals than financing. You'll find stalls and pitches covering just about every subset of the biotech world.

The location varies each year, but BIO usually choose Boston or San Diego. The event is highly centralised within the convention center, so less shoe leather.

Walking around, it's easy to get a good sense of what's on offer in the market after a few conversations, and by shopping properly you're sure to make back the cost of admission.

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting

Location: Chicago, IL
When: April 25-30 2025

The AACR Annual Meeting is the most important event of the year for the oncology community. It's big, around 20,000 delegates. The make-up, however, is more academic, and companies focus on demonstrating their research.

It's the place to go to measure the headwinds in oncology for the year to come, and there's no better place in the world to see top oncologists separate the wheat from the chaff.